But first, let’s recap the last episode
Class in session
The cruel punishment the grade 8 learners gave Mosebjadi is yielding severe consequences.
Paxton’s parents questioned him about having Misebjadi’s phone on him, and he could not answer, so he turned the conversation around to be about the Principal.
Lewatle also couldn’t answer her father and Principal Thobagale about the handcuffs she used in punishing her friend.
The Principal decided not to give Lewatle her marching orders yet, because she refused to tell the truth.
Meanwhile, Mosebjadi insists she is not going back to school, even when her mom tries to give her strength.
Eunice is hooked
It doesn’t take long for Eunice to spiral out of control without her troublesome friend Ash. She tries to find her drugs, but Phoshoko steals them, remember.? He also stole cash from her bag. She runs to Ash when she starts withdrawing.
Eunice also receives an unexpected visit from Khwezi, which sets her off on a crusade to find a bodyguard with the help of Ash.
We then see many men parade their muscles while interviewing for the role of bodyguard.
Eunice then had an altercation with Mr Kgomo on the phone.
Tails of the famous Yellow file
Meikie makes a disturbing visit to Charles Kunutu after learning that he has her yellow file.
Katlego And Koko decided to go and apologise for holding on to the yellow file. Meikie was okay with this confession until Charles’s name came up.
Charles denies photocopying the file, and Meikie sends a subtle but disturbing message to Julie Seakamela.
Before Meikie goes to Charles, Mapitsi catches a glimpse of how scary Meikie is when she is angry.
Coming up in the next episode
Eunice makes a big mistake when she hands over her credit card to Ash. We all know that he is there for the money and only the money.
Ash is going to find ways to blow the credit completely. He doesn’t care about Eunice, and he is getting her hooked on drugs plus, he wants to make her a dealer. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Ash is a force of destruction to Eunice.
Lewatle and Pax are getting closer, and this doesn’t sit well with her father, the Sergeant. Babeile is aware of Paxton’s reputation, and he is also aware of how much his daughter is affected by this boy.
Meikie is suffering from everyone, to be honest, from her husband to patients at Turf hospital. We all know that Mr Kgomo hates her. Mr Kgomo is set on his ways to cause Meikie anguish at the hospital.
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