Next on Muvhango – Thursday 21 April 2022
Vho-Mukondelelis’ worsening condition forces her family to make decisions to end her agony by pulling the plug.
The saying goes, things get worse before they get better; that’s where we are going in the coming episodes of Muvhango, but let’s start by recapping previous episodes.
Vho-Mukondeleli has been suspended between life and death for almost two weeks now. Her life is in danger, and Nomasonto wants to make sure she is dead.
Kondi was in the process of recovering when Nomasonto decided to smother her with a pillow, and now she is on life support.
Azwindini is convinced Vho-Mukondeleli has gone to her ancestors, but his family is not accepting that outcome.
Vhutshilo has to face harsh realities; if Vho-Mukondeleli indeed kicks the bucket, then Vhutshilo has no one to help him get out of jail. Vhutshilo is accused of hurting Kondi while she is trying to defend Gugu/Nomasonto from his attacks.
Mpho learns something that unsettles her about Ndiwavho. She has been getting into fights at school, and her attitude has changed in the house. Mpho finds out she has become a school bully.
James reads sad news about Vho-Mukondeleli on social media. We didn’t know that James hits the socials sometimes.

Let’s find out what’s coming up in the next episode.
The royal family is forced to decide whether Kondi is worth keeping. They need to make difficult decisions about one 9fvtyeur own.
Will Nomasonto ever get exposed?
Susan manages to get through to Azwindini to help their son stay away from the jail cell. Azwindini is why Vhutshilo is in jail, and he fails to believe his son when he tells him what happened to Vho-Mukondeleli. Azwindini will do anything to hold on to Gugu, even at his own son’s expense.
Mpho is also facing a tough adolescent. Ndiwavho is the famous kid in class and not for good reasons. Ndiwavho is not listening to her parents anymore. She came back with a black eye the other day and lied when asked what happened.
Catch new episodes of Muvhango on SABC2 every weeknight at 21h00.
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