Coming up next on the next Episode of Muvhango on Monday 21 March 2022
Susan reveals Vho-Masindi’s secret.
Recapping on the previous Episode
Vho-Masindi has been using Muthi on Susan.This is unbelievable as Vho-Masindi is the one who caused her divorce after exposing Susan for using Muthi in Azwindini.
Gugu’s mysterious stalker finally came to light. She keeps circulating Gugu like a shark. This is serious trouble for Gugu because Nomasonto broke out of the mental asylum.
Vho-Masindi is not sincere, and now it shows. She wants to bewitch Susan. She told Azwindini that she wanted Susan to leave the royal house when Azwindini protested her Muthi using. Azwindini thought she was trying to kill Susan. Vho-Masindi set up the table for dinner and put Susan right at the head of the table.
Shaz has financial problems, and Kgosi is loaded, so what is the natural thing to do? Ask Kgosi for money.
Kgosi has his problems with Bubbles, acting as a blood-sucking gold digger. Bubbles is taking full advantage of Kg`osi and what’s worse is that Kgosi knows this because Marang told him. She asked him for R2000 on top of the R10000 she still owes him.
Tenda launched himself fully back into the company. His first task was to get rid of half the staff by using digital tools, which James fought him on. It turns out Tenda is invincible after all.
Karma comes back to bite Vho-Masindi
Vho-Masindi never learns or repents, but her tactics come back to bite her. Susan is the daughter of a Maine, and Vho-Masindi’s hypocrisy will be exposed.
Vicious sharks are circulating Gugu.
Sonto finally reveals herself to Gugu and calls herself Gugu’s long lost sister. Gugu blows her off and says she wants nothing to do with her as she doesn’t know Sonto. However, she is definitely about to cause chaos in Gugu and Azwindini’s world.
Bubbles turns out to be the biggest scammer of all
Marang is disturbed to learn that Kgosi is still playing an ATM for Bubbles. Kgosi is allowing this to happen now. Even after Marang warned him, he is still falling for it. Bubbles pretended to care about Kgosi for so long just to get a slice of his inheritance money.
There is going to be a lot of drama on Muvhango on SABC2 at 21h00.
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