The South African rapper Nadia Nakai is accused of keeping a 26-inch curly frontal wig that belongs to Senia, a wig owner from Namibia, as seen in an X post by notorious blogger Musa Khawula on Tuesday, 20 December. The blogger said that Nadia Nakai, who was dating the late rapper AKA – whose real name was Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, was supposed to perform in Botswana on 22 September. The rapper allegedly had such bad wigs with her on the trip that she borrowed one of Senia’s three bundle curly wigs from her business, FashionWins Hair Collection.
Khawula’s post said that Senia said that Nadia Nakai was only supposed to “wear the wig for a day and leave it at the reception for collection or pay R6500 if she wanted to keep the wig.” Khawula also said that Senia was shocked to see “Nadia back in South Africa with her wig that she did not pay for”.
Khawula later posted a screenshot of the wig entrepreneur’s thank you post to her fans for their support in the issue. “I want to thank you all my lovely Namibians from the bottom of my heart for the great support during my wig problem. I can confirm that I have received the payment for the wig and I will delete all my posts about this matter.”
Senia said she will donate N$1500 (about R1800) to charity.”