Let’s first remind you of what happened last night.
Tenda revealed Itseng’s past to Tshireletso. Itseng was a call girl not so long ago and Tenda being Tenda used that to destroy her relationship with Tshireletso. Tshireletso didn’t take it well that Itseng if that important part about her life to him. I thought these two were friends with benefits. If that’s the case why is he hurt by this? I guess he likes her more than he thinks. I must admit the girl washes up well.
Azwindini decides to buy Susan a new house. Vho-Masindi and Vho-Makhadzi don’t agree with his plan because it’s going to cost them financially. Susan’s concoction is working very well on Azwindini.
Gugu has the talk with Imani, she regrets ever getting herself involved in the mess that she is in.
Imani encourages her to hold on but Gugu can’t shake the feeling that something more is happening to cause Azwindini to suddenly lose interest.
Rendani is preparing for a school reunion and she was looking forward to it until an old enemy showed up out of nowhere.
Let’s break down what to expect tonight.

Tenda gets a very revealing visit from Mantwa, he learns exactly where her baby Kenosi has been and who took her. Mantwa is on the rampage and will not be stopped. Mpho made a touching video yesterday and Mantwa felt a nee
Susan manages to get Imani involved in her scheme for revenge. I wonder how she does that, Imani doesn’t like her all that much. She is on Gugu’s side. Maybe her concoction is starting to work on everyone.
Rendani is put under pressure to look like she is living differently than she is. She lies about her life on social media. This will definitely end in tears
We are in for it again on tonight’s episode of Muvhango. Let’s meet at 21h00 on SABC2 for more drama.
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