Tenda is coming for everyone and everything on tonight’s episode, but let’s first see what happened on the last episode of Muvhango. Itseng continues with Tshireletso, and James was impressed when he caught her sneaking him out of his house.
Itseng is crossing boundaries.
Azwindini is set on buying Susan a new house, but Masindi is dead against it. She feels Azwindini doesn’t have the right reasons for taking such a drastic and expensive move.
Vhutshilo tells Gugu where to get off when he runs into her at Dukathole. Vhutshilo has s none to pick with her. She hurt because her relationship with Azwindini has taken a serious dive. Vhutshilo thinks she deserves it.
Susan believes that Azwindini’s love doesn’t depend on Muti; she is such a hopeless romantic.
Rendanis fake life on social media is causing her to call on favours with people she doesn’t favour. She called on her old flame Mohau to act as her husband. He still loves her clearly because he agreed, and she is not that into him.
On tonight’s episode of Muvhango…

Tenda meets Mantoa for confirmation and fact check, and she confirms that Baby Kenosi is with the Motsamais and everyone in that house knows that Kenosi is his baby. Now he is about ready to destroy everything.
Gugu and Imani start to believe Susan may have given Azwindini a love potion. Gugu doesn’t think Azwi could do a 360 like that on his own, and she considers Susan’s Muti aided him.
Itseng just forfeited her chances of getting a promotion. James is not playing around. After Itseng disrespected him by sleeping with Tshireletso in his house, he had decided to exercise his powers on her.
Rendani continues with her facade of a perfect life. She enlisted Mohaus help, and she can see he is still in love with her, but she strings him along for her school reunion. It will end in tears.
Catch all of this and more on tonight’s episode of Muvhango on SABC2 at 21h00.
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