Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube is rumoured to be in self isolation after his trip to Europe, he hasn’t been seen in public since mid March when he posted pictures of himself with top officials in European countries mostly Norway. The public only hopes that he has done the right thing, to avoid spreading the coronavirus to top government officials who are critical at this juncture.
Other reports are suggesting that Ncube came in contact with his PA, who met Zororo Makamba at the Ministry of Finance offices. Again these reports are unverified. He is not being seen in public.
Mthuli Ncube went to Germany and met Hon Jan Metzler in Berlin, He also met the State Secretary for the economy, Mr Norbert Bartle, his staff, and Zimbabwe Ambassador to Germany Paul Chikawa.
He proceeded to Norway and went to the Bank of Norway, Norwegian Central bank. He met the Special Advisor to the Governor, Mr Audun Gronn.
He went to Brussels. Ncube posted: “Meeting with Mr Koen Vervaeke, Managing Director of EUROPEAN External Action Service(EEAS), EUROPEAN Union, in Brussels. I also met with executives of the EUROPEAN Investment Bank(EIB).”
He also met Ambassador of Norway to Zimbabwe and South Africa Astrid Helle and Director General for NORAD, Mr Bard Vegar Solhjell, Norwegian Minister for International Development in Oslo, Mr Dag Inge Ulstein and Prime Minister of Norway, Ema Solberg.
He shook hands with all of them