If you remember well, there is a story of a couple that was caught cheating. The videos trended all over social media. The woman in question was only identified as Mai Prince.
We have traced the man in question and we have discovered that he just lost his job. His name is Sheunesu Fundu and he is a Chartered Accountant. He was the Head of Finance at CAFMED. His job has just been advertised by his employer. His job is advertised on Vacancy Mail here.
His former employer was a non governmental organisations advancing the interests of women. The description on the organisation’s website says, “CAMFED’s work is driven on the ground by local committees that comprise teachers, parents, government officials and others, all of whom volunteer their time and expertise to ensuring more girls complete school. They are supported by CAMFED offices in Africa that are staffed entirely by nationals of those countries and by teams in the United States and UK.”
He is likely to have been charged with dragging the name of the employer into disrepute. His actions were against the standards of the organisation he was supposed to represent.