Over the weekend, the late South African rapper, Kiernan “AKA” Forbes, was posthumously honored at the Content Creator of the Year Awards. His collaboration with Nasty C on “Lemons (Lemonade)” won him the prestigious Song of the Year Award.
Lynn Forbes, Kiernan’s mother, accepted the award on behalf of her late son. She expressed her belief that Kiernan was larger than life and that his legacy would continue to live on.
Lynn extended her gratitude to the Megacy, Kiernan’s fan base, for their role in ensuring that her son’s track trended and was used to create millions of content videos. She expressed pride in Kiernan and pledged to preserve his legacy for his daughter Kairo and the Megacy.
Lynn Forbes: “My son was bigger than this world!”
In her tribute, Lynn reflected on the seven months since Kiernan’s tragic death. She shared her belief that Kiernan was not just of this world but was larger than it. He lived large, loved large, and expressed himself in a big way.
She spoke about how she knew her son in life but how his death has taught her deeper, more meaningful things about who he really was as a person.
Kiernan’s Legacy
Lynn emphasized that Kiernan is now a part of history. She referred to him as a legend whose legacy will never end. She acknowledged his flaws as a human being but celebrated his life and the profound contribution he made to this world.
She also highlighted how Kiernan has been honored in the months following his death. The recognition, tributes, and outpouring of love were not just for his talent as an artist but also a reflection of the human being he was, the impact he made, and the legacy he created.
This moving tribute by Lynn Forbes serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of her late son, rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes.