Lufuno Bullying Video: Mbilwi High School girl commits suicide after being bullied
A girl Lufuno from Mbilwi High School committed suicide yesterday after being bullied by fellow students from the same school. It is a tragedy that within a week another case of bullying has emerged and this one with a far worse disturbing outcome.
In the video the victim, Lufuno is being beaten by another girl whilst the other students are busy taking videos, laughing and screaming chants of joy. What is more disturbing is that no one attempts to assist Lufuno or at least stop the fight. Lufuno kept saying ‘ukhou mbaisa’ which translates to ‘you are hurting me’ but no one including the spectators cared to help her still.
The reason why the other student was bullying Lufuno is still unclear but some sources claim it was a R5 dispute that later escalated to such. The bully Candy even received an apology from Lufuno of Facebook but still she decided to beat the fellow student.

Members of the public are displeased with such and it seems the students themselves are not taking bullying as a serious offense. Surely this calls for concern and the students bullying the deceased should pay for their sins.
Lufuno Bullying Video: Mbilwi High School girl commits suicide after being bullied
Taking to Twitter #JusticeForLufuno is trending and here are some of the comments from the public regarding this issue.
“How could we raise such sh*%t children to inflict so much pain on others? #JusticeForLufuno.”
“Oh yes of course they know what they are doing, no excuse for such vile behaviour. We have been there and trust me it is traumatic and can lead to suicide due to the embarrassment of living constantly like an inferior being. #JusticeForLufuno.”
“This is our culture guys. Just listen to the cheering on the background. This tells us what type of children we are raising. The othe thing is our soapies which also give negative influence.”
Last week a video of a girl from Nthuba High School was trending of a girl being assaulted by another female student. Many think it is time Laws are reviewed so that children are protected and the consequences of bullying need to be harsh ant the act itself should not be tolerated.