Six years after her divorce from comedian Trevor Gumbi, Lucille has moved on and remarried. She exchanged vows with businessman Eddie Dandara, who hails from Zimbabwe. The couple celebrated their union in Eddie’s home country last weekend, where they had a traditional ceremony with their relatives and friends. Lucille expressed her happiness on her Instagram, where she posted about the warm reception they received in Murewa, Zimbabwe.
“We had a blast this past weekend, and it was so touching to be embraced by the people of Murewa – Zimbabwe,” she wrote. “The love and kindness made it easy to just enjoy the moment and have fun celebrating our love and our marriage.”
Before they went to Zimbabwe, they also had a party in South Africa. She shared a glimpse of her wedding on her Instagram page. Lucille was overjoyed in her caption.
“I don’t even know how to start… my heart is full of joy and gratitude. Yesterday was truly one of the best days of my life.” She also thanked her husband for making her wedding dream come true despite the challenges. TshisaLIVE reported that Trevor Gumbi said that divorce was not their initial intention but they had no one to blame as they had simply fallen out of love.
This, and the fact that the comedian went bankrupt at 28, contributed to the breakdown of their marriage. Trevor said there were more problems.
“There was also a lack of intimacy and everyday annoyances that eventually piled up into one big mess. We fell out of love. It happens, no one is at fault,” he said. Now, both of them have found new love. Trevor is also happily married to Nande Ngxola, who ZiMoja said ‘played a vital role in his transformation’ and Lucille is beginning this new phase of her life with Eddie. Even after six years since their separation, they still co-parent their two sons successfully.