Linda Mtoba, a renowned actress recognized for her performances in South African hit series like Isibaya and The River, has embarked on a new chapter in her life following her split from her husband. Despite the buzz about her six-year marriage to Steven Meyer coming to an end, Linda has remained silent on the subject of their impending divorce. The single mother has been in the company of a prosperous entrepreneur, whose identity is known to the publication.
A trustworthy informant has shared that the pair have begun making public appearances together. The source revealed that they were seen at the entrepreneur’s birthday celebration, held at a high-end restaurant in Sandton, where their affection for each other was apparent. A confidant of the wealthy businessman confirmed their relationship status and mentioned that Linda is well-liked within his social circle. The source also disclosed that Linda’s new partner has been treating her to lavish gifts, including international vacations and luxury accessories. “Her happiness is evident, and it’s clear from her radiant glow that she’s been enjoying holidays with her friends, all thanks to her new beau,” the source added.
A friend close to Linda disclosed that post-separation, she had been concentrating on herself and her career as a means of coping with the emotional turmoil. However, since meeting her new partner, there’s been a noticeable increase in her happiness levels. “He not only makes her happy but also brings out the best in her. He’s been mentoring her in business matters as well. She’s been working on new ventures and spending quality time with him,” added the friend. When contacted Linda for a comment, she directed us to her manager, Ntando Zikalala, who declined to comment on the matter.