What began as a modest campaign to help students clear their fees so they can get registered has turned into a massive win! Lasizwe has raised over a million rands to help students get registered.
WE DID IT JOE! We raised R1 000 000.00 for students to get registered in Universities in 5 days!!!
We literally did it! Thank you to every single one of you who contributed R10 to this initiative. WE REALLY DID THAT!!
The recent #FeesMustFall campaign that left a passerby dead encouraged Lasizwe to play his role in helping students.
“Back when I was supposed to go to varsity, the #FeesMustFall movement was just beginning and I remember wishing it would happen because at the time things weren’t looking too good for me to got to university due to money. It was a big thing and then it all just died down. Now with the recent protests, students being shot at and someone dying, it hit me that I could offer help. I only had R10,000 to give which presented a challenge because I knew it would help — even if it was just one person — but I wanted it to do more,”
Lasizwe raises R1 000 000 to help students get registered!
Armed with R10 000, Lasizwe wasn’t sure on whether to give one student or split it. However after an Instagram live where he engaged people on the matter, Lasizwe began a campaign. The aim was to get students registered as some were on waiting lists and others waiting on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. The #R10GoesALongWay campaign was born.
“This is not an ‘I’ initiative, it’s a ‘we’ initiative, a South African initiative because all the R10 have turned into something more because Mzansi came together and stepped up to help.”
Initially, Lasizwe’s campaign was met with mixed feelings as he had volunteered to randomly pick a subscriber og his channel. This had him face a lot of cyber bullying. However, after having partnered with a lot of people to raise the R1 million, the response has been a lot more possible. It’s safe to say the #R10GoesALongWay can be considered successful at this point! In regards with the distribution, Lasizwe is looking to talk to institutions that are nore experienced in this as he would want a fair and transparent distribution