In Pictures, The Wife actor Abdul Khoza ‘Nqoba’ joins The Black Door cast.
Some weeks ago, etv drama series The Black Door announced via their Instagram page that one of the Khoza brothers would debut as Sabelo Cele. Fans were asked to choose who they wanted to see play the role between SK and Abdul, and then later, they revealed SK as the character. However, some of the fans who voted for Abdul are in for a treat as he will also debut on the show alongside his brother this week.
Abdul Khoza debuting in The Black Door
With the recent drama on the show, there sure is a place for everyone, and the Khoza brother joins and gets part of the action. After Khaya’s bus explodes, many people are left facing the consequences, including Khaya himself. He is also expected to pay the bus company despite the fact that he does not have money. Nkanyiso is also on a vengeance spree as he promises to make anyone responsible for the explosion pay.
Abdul Khoza’s role has yet to be made public as the production crew has only shared SK’s role as Sabelo, who will have men and women in love. However, they promise fireworks as Abdul is said to be bringing fireworks to the show with his role. In all the productions the two brothers have worked together, they have been a duo that kept viewers at the edges of their seats.
Abdul’s TV and music career
Khoza has been making headlines lately with his role in The Wife and his music career. He took on the role of Nqoba was comical and relatable to many as he seemed to be the family’s black sheep. Khoza got nominated for the Mzansi Viewers Choice award because of his role. After all that hype, he released his song Fela ubala under his stage name Shemeni. Jagermeister then signed a deal with him and two other The Wife co-stars to be their brand ambassadors.
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