South African actor Jacob Ntshangase has had the House of Zwide actors walking on thin ice in the past days on the hit fashion drama series. Seeing him take on his role as Mr Mavuso can have many fans assuming that he is a ruthless businessman in real life when he is not. Jacob Ntshangase is a lecturer when he is not working on either side of the camera in the entertainment industry business.
His role in House of Zwide
The actor debuted his role in House of Zwide last week with a role as the formidable business mogul Mr Mavuso who wanted to work with House of Zwide. Laz made sure they got room to talk business with the man and be in line to get an R100 million deal. However, Mavuso demands that Faith be scratched off from their business deal because of the state she is in and the accusations of what she did still in court.
The Zwide family is about to be divided as Funani wants this deal and Nkosi wants justice for his mother, and the two will not go hand in hand. Mavuso keeps standing his ground in his demands and won’t budge.
Jacob Ntshangase is a lecturer
The actor who takes on the role of Mr Mavuso is no stranger to the acting industry and has been there for many years behind the screens. With many jobs behind the scenes, he also works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Witswasrand in their Radio academy. The actor joined the school in 2012 and has been working there for ten years. Last year he was promoted to Head at Wits Radio Academy and had been holding the position for 1year and some months.
Some actors in South African entertainment also teach their skills and talents at universities and colleges as side gigs. Others even own colleges and schools, and it’s not new to pass on knowledge of their craft. The list includes Candice Modiselle, DJ Zinhle, Zinzi Zungu and many more.
Other jobs Jacob does
The actor has worked behind the scenes as a storyline and cultural consultant at Isibaya, MNet and Bomb Productions. He has also been a Managing Director at Sizwe Media. Recently he took on the role of a father to Lasizwe Dambuza on Durban Gen, a minor role. Throughout the years, he has held many minor roles in several television productions as an actor.
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