Sello Maake Ka Ncube opened up about how he almost took his own life due to the struggles he has had with his ex-wife, whom he calls a con artist.
The whole issue is that Sello’s attempt at claiming his ex-wives shares at a wine company was futile after discovering that those shares did not exist.
Sello Maake Ka Ncube has taken to his Instagram page to pen a long expose letter to his followers telling all about how he regrets ever marrying his now ex-wife.

” JUST BE CAREFUL AND FOR YOUR INDEPENDENT CHARACTER ASSESSMENT before you commit to anyone.” Maake passionately wrote on his Instagram.
It’s no holds barred as he goes into detail about what he has described as disgusting he said she did to him.
Sello said he couldn’t believe he was married to a con artist and that the public called him names when he decided to get a divorce from her in as little as eight months of marriage.
Sello Maake married Palesa Mboweni in 2015. When they got a divorce eight months later, she allegedly didn’t receive anything from their estate despite being married in a community of property.

Well, the divorce has gone very messy, and it has now taken its toll on him.
At the beginning of 2022, Sello allegedly came back from Ethiopia with his new wife Pearl Mbewe to legal problems his ex-wife had, who asked for over R213000 in legal costs and spousal maintenance.
Sello Maake received letters of demand from her late last year.
Maake says that he doesn’t even care about the shares in his lengthy letter. “It’s a matter of principle,” he said.
Maake claims that he overheard a telephonic conversation his ex-wife was having where she was planning to change the surnames of her children’s to his without his knowledge.

Sello says he needs the public to know that celebrities are just human beings and encourages men to stop suffering in silence and fight for what is right without physical violence. He says he is not even fighting this matter because he wants to bash his wife publicly. He says this might help some young men who fall victim to women similar to his wife.
The former Generations actor said he hopes the law will hear his plea to get his marriage to Palesa annulled and have her legally removed from any affiliations with him.
His followers have shared their support for him.
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