In the previous episode…
Nkosiyabo won over Ayanda for the next board meeting to take place. Ayanda did not hesitate to do it since she heard the degrading ways Kabisi was talking about her.
Kabisi is still in denial about how powerful this recording is against him.
Pamela was kicked out of Moroka Media for insubordination. Maybe she will now seriously consider Fikiles’ proposal for her to join her and Mazwi.
Nkosiyabo reassured Thembeka that she delivered on her duties more than she thought.
Tracy picks herself up after Mpho and she had a little talk, and Mpho tells her to stop feeling sorry for herself. Tracy then went back to Hashtag Ezweni to ask for a job, on her way there, she ran into Mazwi. Mazwi didn’t look happy to see Tracy looking for a job there. She didn’t get the job but Mazwi doesn’t know that.
Dali gives Mpho the talk about his routine since he became a police officer, Mpho just says he was just doing his job. The police have shut down Lucy’s shebeen on Mpho’s command.
Mpho then ended up being attacked outside of the Diale home at night.

On tonight’s episode…
A board meeting takes place tonight and judging from the way Nkosiyabo is acting after, everything worked in his favour. Ayanda doesn’t look happy with Nkosiyabo though. Nkosiyabo got her into his plan and used her. She is seen confronting him and Sphe about this.
Mazwi feels that Kabisi should just apologize for his actions. Knowing Kabisi he won’t do that easily. Looking at today’s episode and how happy Nkosi is from the outcome of that meeting, it looks like things worked out for Nkosi than Kabisi.
Kabisi was on top of the world. Now it looks like he could lose everything
Mazwi shows his evil side tonight.
The drama just never ends on Generations the Legacy and tonight is no different. Let’s wait and see what else happens in tonight’s episode.
Catch Generations The Legacy tonight at 20h00 on SABC1.