In the last episode of Generations, The Legacy
Nkosiyabo is up to no good
Nkosi has been having fun at Kabisis expense. We already know he got his hands on Sphes proxy in the Moroka business. This has given Nkosi the power to sit at the big tables and say in the board’s decisions.
Dali is surging on with the investigation, as we now know. The suspense is building.
Nkosiyabos sets his sites on Pamela.
Nkosiyabo is slowly but surely spreading his roots. He knows what he has, and he is using it. He is now using his skills on Pamela. He wants answers, and he will get them—the end.
Wednesday 5 January 2022: Let’s find out what awaits us on the next episode
Lucy and Cosmo are at each other’s throats.
Lucy and Cosmo are at it again, getting into a very heated argument. It’s not the first, and it won’t be the last time these two don’t see eye to eye. Cosmo disagrees with Lucy’s ways, and when he lets her know of this, Lucy loses it.

Kabisi wants to get rid of the Celes.
Nkosiyabo is growing like a tumour on Kabisi, and it’s beginning to make Kabisi very uncomfortable, now he is determined to remove the tumour. Kabisi doesn’t respect Nkosiyabo, and he doesn’t hide it. Now that Nkosi has gotten his hooks on the proxy, it looks like he will make sure Kabi ends up recognising his existence and, what’s more, respect it.
Read More: Uzalo: Tuesday 4 January 2022 – Gabisile catches Nkunzi in bed with Ndoni
Ayanda doesn’t like the story she reads on their website
A report has broken, and Ayanda is not happy about it. Ayanda has enough to deal with already with her Wedding and Dali and Mandla, who show no signs of yielding from his evil doings. I hope this has nothing to do with Nontle. She has taken over the podcast Lesedi used to be on.
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