Generations: The Legacy 30 December 2021 – Kabisi wants nothing to do with Nkosiyabo
Previously on Generations: The Legacy
So when we last caught these folks, Mandla was still at it, and he had managed to tick off Lerumo, who gets more irritated with Mandla each minute. Mandla had overheard some exciting news, and he, being the sponge he is, took it to use them for his gains. Ben had discovered that Fikile had her own hidden agenda and that his reasons for wanting to lend a helping hand were not so innocent. Ben needs all the help he can get right now since his arrest. He is in debt and needs his ex-wife to be the one taking care of the finances while he tries to unhook himself from the law. Kabisi had looked down on Nkosiyabo so much, and he wasn’t taking it lying down, but Kabisi continues to downgrade the Cekes, who will stop at nothing to resurrect their alliance.
Coming up next on Generations: The Legacy 30 December 2021
Will Ayanda ever see Mandla for what he is? He knows no limits. Ayanda seems to not heed of Mandlas darkness. She completely overlooks Dali’s subtle warnings about him. Mandla continues to spread his poison because of money. He now even has the Morokas helping him. I hope Ayanda gets with the program and soon.

Kabisi wants nothing to do with Nkosiyabo
Kabisi had disrespected Kosiyabo so much, and this has set Sphe off. She ultimately went for the jugular on Kabisi, threatening to expose the illegal kidney that Kabisi got from that horrible donor situation that got Tamryn killed. What will Kabisi do here? This could blow up the whole Moroka empire. I must admit Kabisi took it too far, calling Nkosi a
garbage man. If he were my uncle, I would lose too, so I don’t blame Sphe.
The Diales have a little business person in the family
Cosmo continues to be in awe of a certain young person who has shown beautiful business skills. The Duales he’d a great Christmas we know that, and now they might have a brighter new year if they keep employing great business minds.
Catch the drama unfold on Sabc1 at 20h00
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