Durban Gen: Wedding bells for Dr Mbali Mthetwa again!
The story on Durban Gen follows a complicated love triangle between Dr Mthetwa, Dr Zulu and Sbusiso Dlamini. In the first season, we have seen Mbali Mthetwa juggle her complex relationship with her work at Durban Gen.

In the first season of Durban Gen, Mbali has tried to marry the man she loves, Dr Lindelani Zulu and the wedding was cut off. Mbali ended up marrying her fiance Sbusiso Dlamini. However, she was left widowed after the shooting of her husband at the end of the season. All this came about after Sbusiso’s brother Thabo, a doctor at Durban General hospital discovers that the child he thought he fathered with his wife, Dr Precious, was biologically his little brother’s son since he could not have kids. After that, he held his brother and wife hostage, which led to Sbusiso getting shot and killed.
Mbali as a grieving widow

After Sbusiso’s death, his last will stated that his wife would inherit all his properties and money under the condition that she doesn’t get into a relationship with another man for a year after Sbusiso’s death. To Mbali, this was unfair to her due to the events that led to Sbusiso’s death. She wanted to start dating the doctor she had always loved since they met, Dr Lindelani. Because of this, the two attract bad luck and end up needing a cleansing ceremony.
Meet the monster in law

Agatha, Sbusiso and Thabo’s mother, is devasted about losing her husband and son in a short period. Sbusiso’s will does nothing to soothe her pain as she is left out in the inheritance without a penny to her name. Agatha then tries to control her daughter in law to get her own selfish goals. In last night’s episode, we saw Agatha giving Mbali an ultimatum for her cleansing ceremony. Mbali is told she would have to marry Thabo, who has lost control of his life to alcohol.
Durban Gen: Wedding bells for Dr Mbali Mthetwa again!

In an Instagram post by Durban Gen’s official page, there is a picture of Mbali with tears on her cheeks whilst the caption reads ‘I spy with my little eye something along the lines of ‘I DO’ is about to happen. Does this mean that Mbali will give in to Agatha’s request and marry Thabo? Will she finally get her cleansing ceremony and end up being hitched to Dr Lindelani Zulu as she wanted?