According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (CDC), people with asthma may be at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. COVID-19 can affect your respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs), cause an asthma attack, and possibly lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory disease.
Follow your Asthma Action Plan
- If you do not know how to follow your action plan, consult a medical practitioner near you.
- You will need emergency prescriptions, talk to your pharmasist or health insurer so you can have at supplies enough to last for 30 days.
- Know how to use your inhaler. If you are in doubt, talk to your medical practitioner.
- Avoid your asthma triggers such as dust, mold, pets, smoke from burning wood, cigarette smoke and outdoor air polution
- Sanitize surfaces and utensils you are using. Be careful not to use disinfectants that can cause an asthma attack.
- Avoid situation where you can be moved to show strong emotions. Strong emotions can trigger asthma
How asthmatic people can prepare for COVID-19
- You need to stock up so you won’t have to visit public places frequently.
- Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others.
- You need to self isolate yourself from other people regardless of whether they have coronavirus or not. You need to stay on the safe side
- If you are required to be in public by any chance, stay away from sick people. People showing symptoms can infect you. Stay as far as possible.
- Clean your hands regurlaly with a sanitizer. Observe self hygiene.
- Avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel. Do not travel using public transport or in a crowded vehicle.
- If there are reports that there is an outbreak of coronavirus in your community, stay away from the scene.
- Do not share personal belongings with other people whether they are sick or not.