Cassper Nyovest, a renowned rapper, recently took to his social media timeline to celebrate a significant milestone in his life – the birthday of his first son, Khotso. The child, whom he shares with Thobeka Majozi, has just turned three years old. Cassper posted a picture of the young boy, expressing his heartfelt wishes for his son’s future.
Cassper Nyovest Birthday Message to Khotso
In his post, Cassper reminisced about how his life changed three years ago with the birth of Khotso. He marvelled at how quickly time had passed and affectionately referred to Khotso as “the flyest” and “the most beautiful boy in the world”. He also shared his hopes for Khotso’s character development, praying that he grows up to be kind, grounded, humble, compassionate, and faithful. He ended his message by declaring his love for his son.
3 years ago my life changed. Where did the time go ? Khotso my dude, you’re the flyest! The most beautiful boy in the world! I pray you grow kind, grounded , humble, compassionate and faithful. The world is yours Izwe!!! Daddy loves you!!!
— Don Billiato (@casspernyovest) September 12, 2023
Cassper and Thobeka welcomed their son Khotso in September 2020. The birth was teased alongside the release of Cassper’s album titled “Any Minute Now”, creating a buzz among fans and followers.
Cassper’s Praise for Thobeka Majozi
Recently, Cassper took to Instagram to express his gratitude towards Thobeka for her role in raising their son. He praised her for doing a great job and thanked her for giving him “the most perfect son in the world”. He humorously shared some of their son’s words and expressed his love and appreciation for Thobeka.
In a recent interview on YFM’s Banques And Venom show, Cassper spoke highly of Thobeka. He expressed his respect for her and acknowledged the challenges she faces as a full-time parent. He also appreciated her for not making him feel left out despite her primary role in parenting. He concluded by stating that their relationship might not be perfect but it is strong.