Babes Wodumo tells Mapintsha’s family Qhubekani after they criticised her outfit during the funeral.
The drama between Babes Wodumo and her in-laws seem to be continuing. Lat time Babes was fighting with her husband’s mother after the mother claimed that Babes was lying that she was pregnant. I guess we all saw how that went for Mapintsha’s mother. Now the family was slamming their daughter in-law for not dressing appropriately at a funeral.
In response to all that was said Babes posted her picture merged with a picture of a witch as depicted in cartoons. The caption was the one that made people realize Mapintsha’s wife was sending a message. She just posted on Instagram the picture with the caption ‘Qhubekani 🤞🤞😂😂’.
After the couple had their baby most believed Mapintsha’s family would accept his wife but this does not look like it. Most of Babes Wodumo’ fans defend her outfit and think it is decent enough. The family members seem to disagree and think it was too revealing hence disrespectful. All can be said and be done but Babes does not care and she will keep doing what she thinks is best.
Babes Wodumo tells Mapintsha’s family Qhubekani after they criticized her outfit during the funeral.
One thing Mapintsha is good at is supporting and defending his wife. On the post he is the first to comment encouraging his wife. The last time when his mother and his wife were not Seeing Eye to eye he defended his wife throughout the whole scandal. It even reached the stage when Wodumo wanted to sue her mother in law. Mapintsha did not at one moment go against wife.
This is the support many women want from their husbands`. The praises he received from women on social media is proof that women want support. This might be the meaning of through thick and thin. If it is the case then Mapintsha is doing a great job.
Babes Wodumo tells Mapintsha’s family Qhubekani after they criticized her outfit during the funeral.