Gomora actress Ms Jackie Hlungwani ‘Leera Mthethwa’s academic qualifications leave Mzansi stunned. She is an extraordinary actress who has paved the way for herself in the entertainment industry. She is famously known for her character in the telenovela Gomora as Ms Jackie Hlungwani, a former Gomora High acting principal. She later failed to manage the school as an acting principal and was replaced by Mr Nkosinathi Cele (played by Fezile Makhanya).
In the Gomora storyline, Leera Mthethwa is a highly educated woman who is also a teacher at Gomora High School. Like on set, the actress is highly educated in real life and has a Bachelor’s Degree to show for it. One can tell from her English jargon while onset that she is a well-educated woman. Here is a sneak peek at Leera Mthethwa’s academic qualifications and the institutions she attended from primary to varsity.
Leera Mthethwa’s academic qualifications
The actress making waves through her character on Gomora was born and raised in Pretoria, Gauteng. While growing up, Leera wanted to be a performer like Brenda Fassie.
At 13, Leera attended Pro Arte Alphen Park in Pretoria where she followed her passion for the arts. After passing her matric, she registered for tertiary education at AFDA and completed her Degree in Screen Acting. Adding cherries to her cake, she enrolled at the University of Pretoria for a Bachelor of Arts in Live Performance Degree.
After graduating, Leera started going for auditions and doing MC work. Scoring an acting gig in the competitive entertainment industry was a nightmare for her, but fortune favours the bold now she is playing Ms Jackie Hlungwani on Gomora.
Her character on Gomora is her big television breakthrough, and she is happy to be part of the cast. Besides playing Ms Jackie Hlungwani on Gomora, the actress has been a recurring actresss in several television productions, including Generations The Legacy, Soul City and City Ses’La. Talking to News24, Leera Mthethwa said:
Gomora has been phenomenal. It is number one in my heart and number one in many people’s hearts. It’s number one in viewership as well. I told one of my producers that l finally have a home and what better home than Gomora? I’m working with some of the biggest names. Thembi Seete, l mean we grew up listening and watching her, and here l am working with her. I’m like do you know who you are?
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