Police and soldiers manning road blocks in Bulawayo are only allowing civil servants to pass through into the CBD. The security forces are not giving reasons for denying entry to motorists but rumours are that the government is averting a revolt by civil servants who were set to queue of their salaries today. Average civil servants salaries are around $3,000 which is around USD 40.
A news agency in Bulawayo is reporting that only police officers and nurses are being allowed in.
Police and soldiers patrolling Bulawayo streets and dispersing people queuing outside banks. Witnesses say motorists being turned back at roadblocks on roads leading into CBD. “They said only nurses, doctors and security services can go through,’ said a witness
Pictures and Videos from Bulawayo today
The town has been cleared
Cars are congested in Bulawayo
Motorists entering Harare CBD are also facing challenges as most roads are congested with intensive screening being performed at roadblocks.
Video: Mambo Dhuterere’s wife falls on stage at National Day of Fasting and Prayer Concert