Bra Kenny was shocked when Sabelo ‘SK Khoza‘ finally reveals who he is. For a few months now, since the arrival of the mysterious and drop-dead gorgeous Sabelo, played by SK Khoza, viewers have been wondering who Sabelo is.
Some have speculated that he was a cop who came to investigate The Black Door because of the pictures he has hanging on his walls.
The pictures represent everyone the patron lives with and works with, including Khaya.
Mam Rebs started to suspect something was off with the newly recruited stripper, who had also become her lover, so she sent Makenzo to go and investigate him.
Makenzo found the shocking evidence we discussed earlier in Sabelo’s room when he went snooping, but in the middle of that, Sabelo arrived.
Kenny had to make a move, and he put a gun to Sabelo’s head and demanded answers, but he soon realized he wasn’t ready for those answers.
Sabelo turned out to be Rebs’s abandoned stepson.
He explained that his father is Phil Rebs’s late husband and Boniswa’s father.
Bra Kenny is left dumbfounded, and the shock leaves him speechless.
Sabelo starts explaining how he was left alone to help his sick mother as a child without financial help after his father died.
As we all know, Boniswa believes with all her heart that Rebs killed her father, who is now revealed as Sabelo’s father.
Rebs sent Boniswa away to initiate as a Sangoma to cover up her tracks because Boniswa was threatening to expose her and send her to jail.
The story has turned into a twisted and sad situation involving betrayal, murder and revenge.
Sabelo is Boniswa’s brother, and he is sleeping with his stepmother, and Kenny now is betraying Matron because he knows the whole truth and cannot reveal it to her.
In this week’s highlights, Kenneth is seen trying to convince Matron to let Sabelo go, and she tells him to forget about it because her “Njunju” is not going anywhere.
Sabelo blames Kenny for abandoning him and leaving him and his mother destitute for years, and now he is back to take back what belongs to him.
Rebs is already giving Sabelo some managerial positions in her businesses, and the question now is, what will Kenny do? Because when Matron finds out about this betrayal; someone will have to perish
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