Phindile Gwala recently hogged headlines when she left Imbewu The Seed. The actress ditched the show to focus more on the business empire with her husband, Armando Ngandu. The news left Mzansi curious about Phindile’s real-life husband. Here is all you need to know about Armando Ngandu.
Armando Ngandu profile
He is a model, athlete and businessman born in the DR Republic of Congo. He was born to a less privileged family, but he worked hard to be celebrated today. Lately, he has moved his whole family from Congo to South Africa to enjoy his fortune with them. Armando moved to South Africa in search of greener pastures in his career, and fortunately, he met his wife, Phindile.
Business empire
Besides being an academic genius and having a successful career, Armando Ngandu is also a businessman. He runs several businesses in South Africa, and he is among the richest models in the country.
Mzansi has been curious to know more about Armando Ngandu’s business empire after Fikile ditched her acting career to join her husband’s empire.
In 2019 Armando launched his studio, Ngandu Productions, focusing on producing films, adverts and media-related roles. The studio is located in Johannesburg. Armando is also the brains behind Phindile Gwala’s car wash and Shisa Nyama business.
Boss Models
Armando is a chairman of Boss Models South Africa agency. The agency was founded to discover new homegrown talent.
He is also a musical manager of the award-winning DJ Arab based in the United Kingdom. Dj Arab recently posted on Facebook praising Armando for being the best manager to him after he was nominated as Nickelodeon’s best DJ.
Phindile Gwala’s husband’s age and academic qualifications
Armando was born in Congo on the 26th of June 1988. As of 2022, he is 37, which makes him two years older than her wife, Phindile.
Before Armando moved to South Africa, he obtained a degree in Infomation and Technology at the Republic of Congo University. Due to a lack of employment in his mother country, Armando started working as a waitress at a local restaurant in his neighbourhood. With the bit of experience he learned, Armando launched his restaurant and club.
His company did not flourish as he had imagined, and his brother Jason Ngandu invited him to move to South Africa. His brother’s idea was that he should try his luck in modelling and acting. Through his hard work and determination, he is now one of the celebrated models in the country, and his career is blooming.
Net worth
Armando’s hard work paid off and he drives million-dollar cars and goes on expensive vacations with his wife.
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