Beverly Sibanda popularly known as Bev is facing a challenging time in her marriage as her husband of less than one year wants a out. The UK based nurse known as Melusi Chambuka posted an crypted message accusing Bev of stealing from him. They could be headed for a divorce. He said being single is better.
Chambuka posted on his Facebook:
When wife lies to you using another man to steal from family account surely nokuti Zuze akaba chingwa chevarungu and horomori inot*ndira mutsime. Single it’s better!
Chambuka and Bev wedded in January this year at Harare magistrate court. The union made headlines as Bev is regarded as someone who is not ‘marriage material’ because of the nature of her work.
Bev later performed a public HIV test and was confirmed negative. “If i was HIV positive, would Khama Billiat still be playing football,” Bev questioned her fans making reference to her reported relationship with soccer star Khama Billiat. Bev once made headlines when she revealed she was dating Andy Muridzo and was pregnant of him. Muridzo did not deny the allegations. Bev also features in the Ministry of Education primary school book for the new curriculum referred to as a role model