#RIPIsraelMosehla South African gospel artist Pastor Israel Mosehla dies of Covid -19 related illness on Sunday afternoon Savannanews has learnt.
Pastor Mosehla 41-year-old was born in Soweto in a Christian family, his parents where Pastors and musicians. The Mosehla family released three gospel albums in the 1980s.
#RIPIsraelMosehla Condolences pour in for Israel Mosehla
A worshiper, a Father and a Pastor. Saddened by your passing. It is well. First knew you when I joined Refuge House at VUT. May your soul rest in peace. #RIPIsraelMosehla
A spiritually gifted preacher, a true worshipper through his music and the word of God. Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of worship. Robala ka Kagiso . #RIPIsraelMosehla
What a loss the kingdom of the light here on earth land of the living has lost one mighty warrior Pastor Israel Mosehla. Condolences to friends and family
Ps Israel has gone to be with the Lord, too soon man, I am saddened by his passing, I will miss his worship and vibrant performances. May his family, friends, and all who loved him be comforted. #RIPIsraelMosehla
Little did we know that you are giving us a goodbye of praise and worship on
@zionafrika May your soul, for your part, rest in peace, ISRAEL MOSEHLA. We wish you a blessed new beginning coming from this glorious end.
The Gospel Industry will never the same again. I will always fondly remember the interviews I did with you many times on SAfm and you were always passionate about your calling and ministry. Thank you for the rich legacy of music you’ve left us with.
Life is short, too many blows, the champ is gone #RIPIsraelMosehla. A true worshiper. Thank you blessing us with your music. The sing along, the energy you put on stage, the jokes, entertaining us on stage. Heaven has welcomed you