United States is now the epicentre of coronavirus. New York has more cases than Hubei Province in China where the virus emerged.
United States president Donald Trump has projected that coronavirus will kill at least 100 000 to 240 000 people in the United States.
Trump has told Americans to prepare for ‘a very, very painful two weeks.’ For one of the first time, Trump looked worried and even called Covid-19 a ‘plague.’
“This could be a hell of a bad two weeks. This is going to be a very bad two, and maybe three weeks. This is going to be three weeks like we’ve never seen before,” Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday.
Experts who advise the White House have made predictions that have put USA Health care system at the edge. They believe at least 100,000 people in the U.S will die from coronavirus. They also pegged the worst case scenario being 240,000 deaths from the pandemic.
“When you look at night, the kind of death that has been caused by this invisible enemy, it’s incredible,” Trump said.
The Unites States has become the epicentre of the pandemic with 184,000 confirmed by Johns Hopkins University. The world’s largest economy is struggling to contain the disease in New York. 75,795 cases have been confirmed in New York. The city has now overtaken China’s Hubei Province where the virus is believed to have started in December.