It turns out that Corona Virus will not only infect or kill people but it has also affect men’s fertility. Doctors in Wuhan, the city where corona Virus started have made claims that men are at risk of losing fertility after being infected by corona virus.
The disease is believed to affect the production of sperm.
There hasn’t been research on whether this topic is true or not, doctors suggest there is a possibility given the way COVID-19 replicates itself in the body. Experts suggest that the virus is likely to cause a serious immune damage in the testes
After recovering
Doctors urge patients that recover from Corona virus to go for sperm quality testing as well as hormone testing. Whilst scientists are not certain about the effect Corona Virus has on men because the virus is relatively knew, they do not rule out the effect it potentially has on sperm quality.
Corona virus is know to cause symptoms such as hot temperature, fever and coughing. These symptoms are close associated with colds and flue. The pandemic doesn’t look different but is believed to cause lasting effects on patients that are infected by it. Research is still being carried out to discover the extend to which corona virus can cause damage to people infected.
The cause of corona virus is not known a yet. It is believed to have started at the Wuhan wet markets where sea food and other live animals are sold. It is called a wet market because of the freshness of the meat that is sold there.