South African second biggest party and former official opposition party, the Democratic Alliance tabled a bill in parliament towards the end of April whose main aim was to regulate online gambling within the country. Widely known as the Remote Gambling Bill, this new bill consisted of a wide range of measures and regulations.
These included new regulations for operators, new licensing system and protection measures for protecting its citizens from the harms of excessive gambling. Unlike many countries across the world, South African remains among the few countries that has no regulation when looking at online gambling.
Despite bills being presented since 2008, none of these bills have been passed into law. The Democratic Alliance party, was more than keen to reiterate that the introduction of this new bill would see that a legal gap within South Africa’s online gambling industry would be filled.
The official opposition party at the time also added that the entire bill took more than 2 years to construct and also find a perfect balance between regulation, administration and protection. Furthermore, Democratic Alliance was quick to point out that the new sets of regulations will ensure that the government does not continue to lose millions of rands and jobs due to lack of legislations within this highly lucrative industry.
Proposals Within the Remote Gambling Bill
A closer scrutiny of the new bill tabled by the Democratic Alliance party reveals that there will be 3 different types of licenses. These will include a remote gambling manufacturer license, operator license, and an employment license.
All interested parties will have to send their respective applications to the licensing authorities. While interested parties are free to send their applications to licensing authorities, a licensing board will always be the one to determine who deserves a license.
The newly proposed bill also points out that gambling licenses can be withdrawn, suspended or revoked if it is proved that the holder went against any of their licensing conditions or rules. In other instances, holders can also choose to transfer their gambling licenses to other parties. All this will be done at the discretion of the licensing board.
What are the Chances of the Bill Passing into Law
After ANC lost a bigger parliamentary control after the 29th May General elections, chances are this new bill and many others tabled by the opposition will not be easily rejected. That being said, as things currently sit, chances are extremely high that this new finance bill will be passed into law especially after the ANC agreed to integrate the Democratic Alliance and other small parties into the government.
Choosing the Right Online Casino
That being said, it is important to always settle for an online casino that promotes responsible gambling and does not mislead it’s customers. That’s one of the main reasons why has gone an extra mile to compile for you some of the best online casinos in South Africa that are not only well-established names but are also in compliance with the laws of South Africa.