On Sunday, 28 May, actress Natasha Thahane shared a video on her Instagram Story of her son playing with a ball. The video showed the one-year-old displaying his fancy footwork. Natasha has 5.6 million followers on Instagram who were able to see the video. Despite soccer star Thembinkosi Lorch remaining silent on the child’s paternity, fans are convinced he is the father.
Natasha and Lorch sparked romance rumours in June 2021 when they were spotted vacationing together in Zanzibar. However, their relationship status has been uncertain as they have been on and off. In March 2022, Natasha surprised her fans with a pregnancy announcement and gave birth on April 7th. The identity of the father remained unknown.
Natasha Thahane shares rare video of son ⚽️ pic.twitter.com/QShP08oys1
— Alicia (@Alicia_ally10) May 28, 2023
In June 2022, Natasha and Lorch shared Instagram Stories from the exact vacation location, leading many to believe that Lorch is indeed the father. In November 2022, Natasha shared photos of herself in traditional wear, leading fans to believe that she and Lorch had privately gotten married. However, neither star has confirmed their relationship or marriage.