Zodwa Wabantu, a daring dancer and traditional healer, has once again shared a highly inappropriate video on her Instagram account. In the video, she is seen confronting a male patient who is on his way to undergo penis enlargement surgery. The incident took place at Herwood Medical Centre, where Zodwa serves as an ambassador. In the clip, the Moja Love reality TV star can be seen holding the man’s hand and explaining the procedure to him.
However, things take an awkward turn when she attempts to peek at his private parts. She even asks the doctor if he is measuring the man’s penis and expresses her shock. Addressing the man directly, she asks him what size he would like to achieve as a result of the surgery.
She said to the doctor: “Are you measuring the penis? Oh my gosh”.
She added: “I’m happy that you are not ashamed. So many men go through this. Everything is going to be taken care of. It’s up to a man to decide what they want with their own bodies”.